Category: distractions

considering complaining about choirs about complaining

I should, of course, be meeting a deadline. Actually, I should be chasing two deadlines that whooshed by thanks to a nifty infection that put me on the loo or flat on my back exhausted from walking to the loo...

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distractions, distractions everywhere and not a moment to think

The famous Nick Douglas (who isn't this famous Nick Douglas, nor that famous Nick Douglas (and while I'm laying on distraction upon distraction, I'll just note that Tom O'Neil has a different view of that Nick Douglas's death and any...

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dentists, taxes and death by toothache

John Scalzi posted a short note about a 12-year-old-boy dying, in effect, from toothache. Much discussion ensued. I even piped in with a tiny comment: a link to a LiveScience report that suggests The Rich See What They Believe. A...

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