Author: Brian Forte
According to this site's sub-title, 'they distracted us, so now we're distracting you'. Ignoring the pretensions of the editorial 'we', I'm clearly not doing as much distracting as I might. Twelve posts in four months is hardly record-breaking. And, I...
In this site's so far short and intermittent life, I've made the necessary snarky and ironic comments regarding web 2.0. So now I can come clean and admit to spending more than my fair share of time distracted by the...
Posted by Brian Forte Posted on 2006 09 17 6 Comments on dammed beavers: the truth, the half-truth and kinda-like the truth
Posted in distractions
Like so many of these stories, it arrived in my e-mail in-box. In this case, courtesy of the LinuxSA-Talk mailing list. And it began, again, in typical fashion. This is an actual letter sent to a man named Ryan DeVries...