Category: distractions

still talking to myself about technical writing

Another Pre-amble Referring, once again, to my article on documentation for Red Hat Magazine entitled 'Four rules and an axiom' I've posted a further comment in reference to thoughts posted by two readers. And, like my first, self-generated comment, I...

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talking to myself about technical writing, with pre-amble

Pre-amble I write a column for Red Hat Magazine. The column's called How to Write Really Good Documentation, although we won't know how immodest that title is until a few more columns appear. (FWIW, it isn't my title. When I...

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paying attention to non-tactile buttons

In a post to the the Interaction Design Association mailing list, Josh Viney wrote: I wonder if there isn't [one] use-case that many of the "slim" phone manufacturers are forgetting when testing their new buttons. I'm originally from Los Angles,...

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